Halloween Deals

Halloween Deals
Halloween Deals

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Pipsqueek - Yellow

Loving Mode: Pet them, love them, hear them chatter
Explore Mode: Let them scoot, scamper, across the floor.

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Editorial Reviews:

Product Description
Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Pipsqueek - Yellow

Customer Reviews:

5 out of 5 stars A rodent on wheels September 28, 2009
D. Kuwatani (San Francisco)
This was purchased for my daughter. I was afraid it would be one of those toys purchased then set aside. It's funny and makes cute noises, is responsive to being petted, and rolls all over the house.

Still, it is now a dust collector after a month. If only we could convince the child to contribute to her own college fund.... sigh..... anyone want to buy a slightly used rolling hamster???

5 out of 5 stars A cute little toy September 26, 2009
ephany77 (Georgia)
My daughter has been saving her allowance for the last few weeks hoping to find these and today we stumbled across them at TRU for retail price. For the $10 price tag she's been very entertained this afternoon. The creature makes a variety of chirping, beeping, and random noises as it whirls around. It works much better on a tile, vinyl, or hardwood surface than on carpet. You can either have it in a cuddle type mode where you press its head and it chitters at you or press the back and it'll run around randomly. It's a sweet toy although noisier than I expected. The store clerk said that production is supposed to meet demand in a few weeks as Christmas draws closer. For $10 we're happy, but I'm not sure it's worth 2 or 3 times as much as it is a rather simple toy.

3 out of 5 stars BUY THEM @ WALMART FOR $8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! September 12, 2009
Maureen Haile (Grain Valley, MO United States)
7 out of 11 found this review helpful

uh- they r just now (9/11) hitting the market and are $8 for the pet $10/15 for the acessory and $20 for the funhouse! I found all of it at Wal mart and Target is getting it...

5 out of 5 stars Fun for hours! September 9, 2009
M. E. Papadopoulos (USA)
3 out of 3 found this review helpful

I bought a few of these for my daughter and she loves them. She plays on her own for hours and even when she has playdates, these are all they want to play with!

1 out of 5 stars Don't Waste Your Money September 6, 2009
Mom of 2 (tampa, FL)
3 out of 5 found this review helpful

These toys don't work. They get stuck constantly, the plastic tubes are cheap and break very easily. My child got very frustrated and bored quickly. Don't waste your money. If you must try this, wait until they are at Walmart or Target for $7.



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