• | Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Funhouse (Hamsters Sold Separately) |
• | Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Num Nums |
• | Zhu Zhu Pets Adventure Ball |
• | Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Pipsqueek - Yellow |
• | Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Chunk - White |
Editorial Reviews:
Product Description
Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Mr. Squiggles - Light Brown
Customer Reviews:
Got ripped off too! September 21, 2009
Sharon Lynn Nielsen (Cedar City, UT)
2 out of 4 found this review helpful
I ordered the Zhu Zhu pets and some accessories from the Amazon vendors because my daughter wanted them for her birthday and our local Wal-Mart wasn't going to have them in-stock until after. My bad! What cost me $179.00 for some Zhu Zhu pets/accessories and shipping would have cost about $30.00 had I waited for Wal-Mart to stock them. I've always been pleased with what I've purchased from Amazon, but this was a MAJOR disappointment. The toys are great. My daughter loves them. But they were totally overpriced. Don't buy these on Amazon!
Amazon Vendors Rip-Off September 16, 2009
V. Harmon (vincennes,IN)
8 out of 13 found this review helpful
Don't buy on here or Ebay, wait until Wal-Mart and Toys -R-Us gets them back in stock, I am sure this will probably be a Black Friday item. I wouldn't buy any of these over $8.00 since that is what they sell for in the stores. These people should be ashamed pf themselves, they are the ones who rush out to buy all them up them get on Amazon and Ebay and sell them for outrageous prices.
Yes..$8 at Walmart and keep away from vents! September 12, 2009
Searching for toys (Maryland, USA)
16 out of 18 found this review helpful
Got this today for $8 at Walmart. Super fun and cute for my 2 1/2 year old twins BUT within 20 minutes they removed the heating vent cover and dropped it in my duct work where it is now running around..so keep away from the vents HA! And don't spend this much $$ on them...
Parents don't be suckered! September 8, 2009
Christy Sershon (Duluth, MN)
39 out of 45 found this review helpful
This is a great toy and my little ones love them, I am angry that all these vendors are selling them for so much, be patient and go to Toys r us or Walmart, they are priced at $8.00. Because they are not in stock every where these greedy people are taking of advantage of Parents looking for the perfect gift!